Mine the Business Markets Opportunity

Private businesses are the fourth largest asset class in our economy – over $10T in asset value. But until ValuCompass, there was no reliable, fast and easy road to the owners of those business assets.

Why, because no one had the tools, research and data to connect the way owners need and want to connect. We do. If you are serious about entering and winning in the last big wide open financial market, we have the your competitive advantage.


Key Ingredients for Success



ValuCompass is “instantly ready” to deliver. We offer world class training if you want it, but can set you up with our tools in only a few clicks.



You have the backing of 40 years of research, the finest private business analytics in the world, and easy access to data across all industries.



Understand the owner’s most critical challenge, know their high-value needs, and then provide your services and products for a proven ROI.


Two Programs that Grow Revenue Fast


Financial Advisors

Grow your practice by identifying and serving business owners

Wealth Management

Sell and optimize products and services across the owners’ 5 Core Needs


Private Business Owners: “5 Core Needs”

quantify to provide proven ROI

  1. Planning that connects the Business to their Personal Financial Plan

  2. Asset Management of all their Assets both business and personal

  3. Guidance of their 401K and other business retirement programs

  4. Insurance to de-risk their futures and help them sleep at night

  5. Investment Banking to raise capital or sell the business